Sønr Spøtlight: Rajat Sharma from InsureMO

Spøtlight : 25 mins viewing

This week Matt Connolly, CEO of Sønr talks with Rajat Sharma, Chief Revenue Officer of InsureMO, part of the eBaoTech Corporation where they are establishing a hyper growth product driven organisation to create the worlds largest insurance middle office platform.

Rajat talks about:

  • How his past experience has helped eBaoTech, through InsureMO, realise their goal of ‘making insurance easy’, which has expanded across more than 30 countries to date
  • The history of eBaoTech; a company that has been around for 21 years now, and how InsureMO works alongside eBaoTech
  • InsureMO’s 5 year plan to become the embedded operating system option for more Insurance providers

A huge thanks to Rajat for joining us – we hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did.

InsureMO is an established channel led partner ecosystem which drives Cloud based models in the Digital Insurance space, creating a base for innovative commercial and engagement models for cloud based Insurance API’s, SaaS, and PaaS.

If you are a Sønr client, you can access the InsureMO full profile here to find out more, or you access the InsureMO website directly here. You will also be able to access the eBaoTech profile here, or you can access their website directly here.